Saturday, February 8, 2014


There has been some negative nonsense in the press recently along the lines of...."MultiVitamins Will Kill You!" and to further deflate the negative nonsense about multivitamins disseminated in the media, a new Harvard study just published in the British Journal of Cancer explored the use of multivitamins among 43,641 women enrolled in the Nurses' Health Study II who underwent initial colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy examinations for colorectal cancer. 

Far from questioning the use of multi vitamins.....Women who reported using multivitamins at any time over the course of follow-up had a 14% lower risk of colorectal cancer than nonusers. The greatest protective effect was found in those who took multivitamins for 20+ years.  These women had a 20% lower risk compared to non-users. The authors concluded that the use of multivitamins is associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, even with relatively short duration of use. 

This clearly shows the stupidity of the press reportage , however it is still the case that by taking vitamins we are only being PART SMART.  we also need in our arsenal good healthy food, free from chemicals, as close to the earth as we can find - *grow your own is best.  Daily yoga and meditation discipline is still the best protection we can get.

*There is an addendum to this.  A while ago I was in a town where market gardens and fruit trees  are the main production.  They spray.  I was asked to tea by a student and bottled water was on the table not jugs.  When I asked about the water I was told they didn't drink the tank water because of the chemicals washed off the roof - however we were eating carrots, lettuce, radishes, beetroot and fruit, all watered with tank water that the community thought unfit to drink.  The vegetables obviously had concentrated levels of chemicals from the water BUT NO-ONE THOUGHT ABOUT IT!

Reference: Long-term use of multivitamins and risk of colorectal adenoma in women., Massa J, Cho E, Orav EJ, Willett WC, Wu K, Giovannucci EL. Br J Cancer. 2013 Nov 12

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