Thursday, February 13, 2014


Please diarise the date of our next HIGH-TEA.  Sunday 2nd March, at 2pm.  Tylden harvester, Tylden.  This is our usual venue, and we stay here becuase Adam does such a wonderful High-Tea which rivals the Windsor, and is only $25.  He has been talking lately about a Chocolate Fountain.  I am not sure that this is a good idea, but I know it will be popular.  At this Tea, I ask you to wear (or bring) a hat that you can sell.  Any Money raised will go towards giving Yoga Classes (or a course if we get enough) to someone who would otherwise not be able to afford it.  "Yoga First" always gives scholarships, but this is above and beyond what we do as a matter of course.

We are changing our Teacher Training day to Tuesday from the 4th of March, however, we are also making it WEEKLY.  If you can only come monthly, that is fine - but there is the opportunity to come weekly.  Please let us know if you want to do this.  There will be an extra charge to join (for those already doing distance ed) as those who come weekly will be segued into a 500hour diploma...  It is after all a Master Class with me at the helm.  There is no compunction to do this.  Monthly is still OK.

At the same time as this class, we will be starting a new Yoga Teacher Training Class.  The intake will be the Tuesday 1st April.   The class will be studio based.  You can change from what you are doing now to studio based.  You set the pace as usual.  Come and chat with me if you want to explore possibilities.  

My bees have gone on holiday for 2 weeks, and the garden is closing down, autumn is in the air - yes I know it is hot - but you can feel the change.

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