Monday, March 3, 2014



Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

As I was saying in Yoga Teacher Training this morning, I am always amazed by the people who tell me that they are "passionate"about yoga (or about anything) and don't actually do it.  They always have reasonable excuses, but the bottom line is that they don't do what they say they are doing – being passionate!  If you really want to find the time, then you will find the time.   It is about setting an intention to study.

In this community in this world at this time I believe that we have been "dumbed down".  Everything is easy and available therefore we don't respect what we have.  We have traded downloading for digging.  As I remember it, in the ancient Greek dictionary (a reminder from the days when I studied theology), there is no word for STUDY, it says "refer to DILIGENT – steady in application, industrious, love, take delight in".  

As a teacher I am studying all the time.  I love it.  This doesn't mean just reading, it means studying, being diligent, taking notes, referring to other books.  There is always a personal reward.  Read for quality not for quantity.  If you just read to get it over with, you won't remember what you have read. (I even watch TV with a notepad beside me).

Keeping all this in mind, and also helping those who need a focus, I am offering a 30-30 CHALLENGE.  Study for 30 minutes every day for 30 days.  This means that for the next thirty days you will take thirty minutes (in one go), and study a yoga text.  If you are a trainee you could study "The Anatomy of Hatha Yoga by Coulter", or if you are a graduate, you could read the "Bhagavadgita".   You could even read the Bible.  It is up to you.   Remember when you sit down, have the chosen book AND A PENCIL AND PAPER on hand.  Study is about making notes and following things up.  Not just reading. 

Don't think this is easy, especially if you are not used to it.   You may have to sacrifice some TV time, give up part of your lunch, get up earlier.   As soon as you sit down you will want to go to the toilet, or think of a 100 things you could be doing.  It's like meditation.  Just do it.   There may be opposition.  A number of people will want you to do other things , play, cook, take time out, shop…… after 30 days of reading discipline you will feel great and you will have formed a habit.

So sign up for it.  Email me and let me know you are going to do it, and what you intend to study.   We know how long you are going to be studying….. 

"Look at these worlds spinning out of nothingness.  That is within your power".(Rumi)

Moved the bee blog BACK to BEEMEDITATION.BLOGSPOT.COM .  Left the others at Seems this is more convenient for you all.

The old blogs below I have kept open so you can check on the history if you want to go back, but "nozzles" will be the one and only after a time.

"YARN-BOMBING"  Please please darling people, we need red wool!  4ply, 8ply, 2ply – any ply.  Unless we get the red wool we can't do the poppies.   Take it in to the Woodend Library and mark it YARN BOMBING GROUP, or you can post it to me, or put it on my front verandah.  Anyway you can, please get it to us.  We are crocheting poppies.  Even if you don't like ANZAC day, just think of everyone who will learn to make flowers, be creative and have fun.

Some of our senior graduates with Yoga Schools of their own are taking the plunge.  Why be a yoga teacher, when you can be a teacher of yoga teachers?  Those girls in far flung Australian outposts of Yoga First (or even International Outposts), please consider becoming an AFFILIATE.  That means you will be me where you are.  You can be a teacher training centre, and you could be one by next week if you meet our criteria which is not onerous.  If you have done our course, we know you and are happy to have you become a teacher training centre.   Think about it.  Then Do it.

"People don't grow old.  When they stop growing, they become old". (Anon)

STUDIO WITH JAHNE:  Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 6.30.  
Saturday 12.30 - Restorative Yoga - "The Strawberries and Cream" of yoga.   
WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE:  Mondays 10am Wed. 12.30 and Saturday at 10.  $5 pp per class, bring a mat.  I am going to start a Monday morning class too at 10am to 11am.  Families, babies, toddlers and children welcome at the Wednesday and Saturday class – not Mondays..
INNISFREE: Yoga/Yoga Nidra: Mondays 2.30 to 5.30,  Yoga/Philosophy:  Wed.   2.30 to 5.30,     Yoga: Sat. 2.30 to 4pm  Bookings required.

YOGA TEACHER TRAINING MORNING: )  will be held on Tuesday mornings, starting  Tuesday 1 st April at 9am (not 9.30). Please make every effort to be there.  Our class this morning was fantastic, and I just loved the fact that I didn't have to race off to a yoga class.  I could take my time, enjoy it.  So thank you for all who came.  For those people for whom Wednesday was the only day possible, set an intention for Tuesdays to open up, and then while you are waiting for that, come visit me on a Wednesday morning – you will have to email me a day or so ahead otherwise I may be out.  But, I love seeing you, so do come.

ATTENTION TRAINEE YOGA TEACHERS: Please please please, if I send something back to you and ask you to do it again, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE FAILED.  There could be many reasons, and I will let you know on your assessment what they are.  They are what I say they are, and they are nothing whatsoever to do with failure.  No-one gets everything first go.  I certainly don't.   Do the page again in the way I have asked, and send it in.  If you get it back again, do it again.  No judgment .  Just do it until you know it is right.

I am starting a new class on a Monday Morning at 10am from the 17th March.  Gentle yoga and Meditation(Relaxation).  I will take my singing bowls, and I think it will be lovely.  Please bring a mat, and if you get chill easily bring a blanket too.

CLASS TIMES AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE:   Monday 10am (from the 17th March), Wednesday 12.30 and Saturday 10am  -  bring a mat.

My bee blog is getting good attention, and I have had quite a few enquiries from as far away as South Africa.   If you would like to know more about the bees, or start a bee meditation, or a bee meditation group, then  make a beeline to and you will "bee" surprised.

THE YAMAS and shortly THE CHAKRAS (on etsy!)

NEW BOOKLET…..If you are "fence sitting", deciding whether to be a yoga teacher, to move from the "introduction course" to the full professional certification, then you would do well to read  " HOW TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER BY HOME STUDY".  The BOOK IS FREE THIS MONTH usually $2.99 and it is available by emailing deb or me and we can make sure you get a copy.   

 If you are an Affiliate and have some students you would like to enrol in your teacher training course, then this may be a good investment.  This book has just been made Available on  iBooks too.

The chakra colouring-in charts are on easy, and ready for you to start on yours today.     You can go to Etsy or just contact us on our email and we will take it from there.   The cost is $43.50 and we will post it anywhere in Australia free postage.  Or go to and you can paypal it.  I am in the process of writing a book (which is turning out a mite longer than expected)  to help you understand the CHAKRAS, and to accompany the CHAKRA CHARTS, and will put it on Etsy when I am finished.

I move with the infinite in nature's power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing". (Rig Veda)

Having given the package idea a good run, with a less than enthusiastic response although you did ask for it….we are now going back to the way we had it before.  From the 1st April,  you will be able to Re-Register with us for $145, and insure with us (if you want to) for an additional $180.

Registration BENEFITS  from the 1st April onwards:  
1. RE-REGISTRATION:  If you are a Registered Yoga Teacher who trained with us and are re-Registering, or a a trained yoga teacher registering with us for the first time,   you can choose either of these FREE GIFTS:   1. A free download of the "YAMAS"  booklet, or 2. a set of "Soul Revelation Cards". 

2. REFERRALS: If you refer three people to us who go on to be Registered you can choose:   1. A yin yoga DVD by Paul Grilley or 2. A Set of Chakra Posters

For an extra $100 to the usual Registration fee (=Total $245 for a standard registration):  1. You will receive a years subscription to the videos in addition to your registration.   And  2. free advertising in our newsletter.

If you are trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only. 

Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  It wouldn't be fair.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.  As you know if you are making your living running yoga classes, they are not free to the studio owner.  We have to pay all the costs associated with running a class whether you pay a class fee or not.  Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.

"If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up". (Dostoevsky)

If you are a trainee YOU SHOULD HAVE THE VIDEOS, they are really not optional.  Apart from the information they contain, every time you log on you get a point that counts towards your CONTACT HOURS.  It lessens the classes you actually need to do with a teacher.    

If you are a teacher, the videos are a vital addition to your own growth.  The cost is small in comparison with the time you would have to take to get these learnings. 

If you just like yoga and want to join in:  These are in 15 minute grabs, are all indexed, and you can do what you feel like doing right now.  Worth the annual fee of $275 (equals just 10 classes at a good studio)

Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged on promptly.

MOTHER NURTURE ART AUCTION Sunday 16th March from 2 to ….auction at  4
Innisfree is hosting an ART AUCTION.  We are raising money to provide one free unit to accommodate (and give free treatment) to women with Post Natal Depression.  This is a fantastic charity venture, and you can help.  If you are an artist please call Innisfree and make arrangements to deliver your work.  You will get space on the web site, and of course advertising on their catalogues, media kit etc.  And you get to help a worthy cause.  If you would like to see Innisfree, and perhaps buy a painting, the you could turn up on the day (Mandy is making scones – gluten free too – for the afternoon tea)

We are also doing a mini-launch of a new mothering product, created and designed by one of our students.  A dummy with a stuffed toy attached.  Sounds a bit weird, but it is a hit with the children.  Was reviewed very favourably in the Age Good Weekend Guide.  For details of the art auction and mini launch  go to   DO COME ALONG – WE NEED YOU.

Instore  now – For those who are waiting, the NUT MILK BAGS are now back in stock.  We also have our extra long THERABANDS.    Our best sellers are neti pots.  But we are not just about Neti, we have  our yoga booklets, chakra posters, real liquorice root tea, bands, straps, yoga mat bags, tarot cards and so on and so on.  

Winter is on the way – time to get knitting….Have you seen our yarn called ZPAGETTI. An off cut from the garment trade and 100% cotton, this yarn is ready for you to get creative.  I am just about to launch into making a bag for my singing bowls.  I crochet'd one, not I am going to do a Zpagetti bag.

ETSY – A market place site.  Very exciting.  Please have a browse if you never have been before.  If you want to buy from us on ETSY, please go to

This week I have done a run down on plums.  On Saturday I went to The Village Larder for dinner, and at the end of the meal the waitress asked if I would like some plums.  Of course I would. They had been given 40k and there was heaps left after jams, jellies, chutney and cordials.  I gave the waitress some suggestions about things to do with plums especially for children  and she loved the ideas as did the other staff, so I knew you would, and put them on my

I still haven't used these bags to make sprouts, there are so many things green and lovely in the garden.  I am sure in the winter I will bombard you with sprout ideas.  In the meanwhile you can use a bag to strain things, make cheese, strain fruit – lots.     To buy the bag,  log on to the shop at   or for recipes…

On Sunday I spent a little time in the garden, long enough to cut down a hebe that had grown to about 14ft square.  I don't mind them, but they drink so much water.  I could use that water to actually get a fruit or a nut.  I haven't decided exactly which, but I will, and I will let you know.  Certainly strawberries will be the ground cover.  This time I am going for the white ones.

I have started to feed the bees.  Every couple of days I put out a feeder jar with half sugar half water, and invert it into a cap slightly larger than the jar cap.  The result it just a little lip of sugar water.  Too much and the bees will drown.  I have been amazed how soon it goes.  One cup of water 1 cup of sugar last only about a day and half!

If you are interested in old folk lore, like bees or would consider a "quest", then this book is for you.  The book "THE SHAMANIC WAY OF THE BEE" has arrived.  If you would like to reserve a copy email me  I am not sure of the cost.  About $15 I would expect plus postage.
YIN YOGA DVD with Paul Grilley
This is always marching off the shelves.  If you haven't got one, do it now.  This DVD is so popular because it is the best.  This DVD will form the backbone of your yoga references and is something you really need.   As I have told you before when I bought mine it cost $100 or so.  I thought that was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for.

Because Jahne has been teaching yoga for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free,   but,  if you wish to have Jahne help you with relationships, career, or just getting personally  "unstuck" then that is coaching/mentoring and does come with a cost. Her charge per half hour for mentoring is $75 and $65 for student teachers.  It is amazing how much you can shift in half an hour when you strip away the unnecessary chatter.  It's the Buddhist way.

That's right.  If you have a spare car, donate it to KIDS UNDER COVER and 100% of the proceeds will help prevent youth homelessness.

Wednesday MARCH 12TH AT 7PM at the Studio in Woodend.  Please join in.   Give me a call if you can join us 

SMART RECOVERY:  If you are recovering from an addiction or life trauma, Jahne is a SMART RECOVERY FACILITATOR (with a Buddhist/Geodaist twist).  We have free sessions on a Tuesday at 1.30.   If you would like to come along, please contact Jahne on

The dates and times may change – but I have an intention)
Geelong – end of march or beginning of April:   Melbourne: May,    Shepparton – end of April, beginning of May
Then Brisbane, Sydney.   Adelaide (in October

REGARDING DEBBIE – If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  She is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach.  Don't hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos  daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste  Jahne
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First

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