Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Erin,   here is the noozle.  Jahne


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

What if there peace on earth?  What would it look like.  It would not be about the absence of war, it would be a complete new way of being – and not just "those people out there somewhere" - but everybody would need to change.  Even you and me.  

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!

People want peace, well, they say they do.  Not just peace in the world, but peace in their hearts and in their homes.  We really can create the world we want to live in.  How about if every evening about 9pm we could all focus our complete and loving attention on PEACE.  What if we believed that living the lives we want to live depends on finding peace – as it surely does.  

We could start with THE FOUR AGREEMENTS from the book by don Miguel Ruiz.
  1. Be impeccable with your word
  2. Don't take things personally
  3. Don't make assumptions
  4. Always do your best
On September 11, 2001 the twin tower disaster was a wake-up-call for all of us.  I had dreamed the disaster before it occurred and my response was (and is) among other things to paint 1,000 angels – I am up to number 800 – in memory of those that died, and the beautiful sight of the hundreds of angels lifting towards heaven. But there are still many wars internationally and in our homes and hearts.   I know that you can help change the world  "….that the world will be as one" as John Lennon said.

When you are angry, disappointed,  or abusive to yourself or others, STOP take a deep breath and remember that we are all connected in this fantastic game called life.  You can choose to be at peace and happy,  and doing this in every moment in every day, you can know that you ARE changing the world.

Peace begins with an idea.  When it is motivated and fuelled by a desire for change, acted on with conviction and spoke of with authority - when that happens wherever it happens – we will have peace.

Thank you to those who have signed up for the  30-30 CHALLENGE.  

I do have a couple of suggestions.  To make it useful on many levels, do the 30-30 as part of your ELECTIVE.  Chose your subject and read about that.  Or maybe anatomy and physiology if that is something you would like to know about.  The sutras?  Lots of suggestions.  One of the students wrote in and said she was going to read McBeth.  All very well, but not helpful if you are doing a yoga course.  It could have a relevance, but, there are better texts to choose.

So sign up for it.  Email me and let me know you are going to do it, and what you intend to study.   We know how long you are going to be studying….. 30 minutes for 30 days.

To those of you doing the Teacher Training.  Here is the low-down on the elective.

1. It cannot be something you have got a certificate for in the past.  Some students have tried to squeeze this through – it may work if you haven't written on your initial application that you already have "…….."  certificates!  Remember The Yamas – be honest.

2.   It is not just an essay.  There has to be 30 hours of work, and I have to be able to see that this has been carried out honestly.

3. You are training to be a professional and it should show.  Your elective should have a goal, progress report,  time sheet (how long you have taken, when and where) case histories, and a bibliography.

Keep these points in mind.  Work out early on what you want to do, your topic, then start collecting data so that when you are ready to go you already have a head start.   It is not easy – it wasn't meant to be.

"Look at these worlds spinning out of nothingness.  That is within your power".(Rumi)

These are a valuable tool, and I made a video of the technique very early on.  Even those who have subscribed to the videos for some time seem not to have really looked at the resources contained in them, as I am getting some pretty unrecognisable stick figures.

I should be able to look at the modules, and know what the pose is – and so should you.  They are not just something I give to you to fill your day.  Really do the work.  Get a friend to pose, and do a stick figure so both you and she can see the pose.  Then, when you are teaching, or copying new poses from a video for instance, you can do it quickly without using words – which are pretty useless when you look back over the years.  A picture is always better.    "A picture is worth a thousand words" is the old saying.

This isn't the sort of course where you just have to look up a page, write it out, and say that you have done the work.  No, no, no.  In this course YOU HAVE TO THINK.  I ask a question, you do the answer to that question.  

I am not one bit interested if you like the question or not, or if you think there is a better way.  Just answer the question.  Think, Think, Think.

If you are having trouble with the sutras, first get a copy of "the essential sutras" it is free at www.holybooks.com and then read, and then interpret.  You can do cross referencing.  Remember that when Patanjali wrote the sutras yoga was very different to what it is today.  Yoga actually meant sitting/meditating, not asana.

THE BLOGS and the bees!
I am feeding the bees at the moment.  They seem happy enough.
Moved the bee blog BACK to BEEMEDITATION.BLOGSPOT.COM .  Left the others at  www.yoganoozles.blogspot.com Seems this is more convenient for you all.

The old blogs below I have kept open so you can check on the history if you want to go back, but "noozles" will be the one and only after a time.

"HELP US AT YARN-BOMBING" I REALLY , REALLY MEAN THIS, PLEASE HELP….. darling people, we need red wool!  4ply, 8ply, 2ply – any ply.  Unless we get the red wool we can't do the poppies.   Take it in to the Woodend Library and mark it YARN BOMBING GROUP, or you can post it to me, or put it on my front verandah.  Anyway you can, please get it to us.  We are crocheting poppies.  Even  if you don't like ANZAC day, just think of everyone who will learn to make flowers, be creative and have fun.

If you can't bring crochet hooks, and/or wool to me, could you post some to me.  Go to your op shop, buy the crochet hooks and wool.  They will be used.  A small example of philanthropy.

Thank you to those who have been delivering red wool to me and to the library.  Do any of you have crochet hooks no longer in use (maybe your mum or maiden aunts?).  You could put them in an envelope and send them to me at PO Box 14, Mt.Macedon. 3441.  We need LOTS.  

Some of our senior graduates with Yoga Schools of their own are taking the plunge.  Why be a yoga teacher, when you can be a teacher of yoga teachers?  Those girls in far flung Australian outposts of Yoga First (or even International Outposts), please consider becoming an AFFILIATE.  That means you will be me where you are.  You can be a teacher training centre, and you could be one by next week if you meet our criteria which is not onerous.  If you have done our course, we know you and are happy to have you become a teacher training centre.   Think about it.  Then Do it.

"People don't grow old.  When they stop growing, they become old". (Anon)

STUDIO WITH JAHNE:  Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 6.30.  
Saturday 12.30 - Restorative Yoga - "The Strawberries and Cream" of yoga.   
WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE:   Wed. 12.30 and Saturday at 10.  $5 pp per class, bring a mat.  I am going to start a Monday morning class too at 10am to 11am.  Families, babies, toddlers and children welcome at the Wednesday and Saturday class – not Mondays..
INNISFREE: Yoga/Yoga Nidra: Mondays 2.30 to 5.30,  Yoga/Philosophy:  Wed.   2.30 to 5.30,     Yoga: Sat. 2.30 to 4pm  Bookings required.

MONTHLY YOGA TEACHER TRAINING MORNING: The usual  MONTHLY (for those wh don't come weekly) TT will be held on Tuesday morning, starting  Tuesday 1 st April at 9am (not 9.30). EVERYONE - please make every effort to be there.  

Our class this morning was fantastic, and I just loved the fact that I didn't have to race off to a yoga class.  I could take my time, enjoy it.  So thank you for all who came.  For those people for whom Wednesday was the only day possible, set an intention for Tuesdays to open up, and then while you are waiting for that, come visit me on a Wednesday morning – you will have to email me a day or so ahead otherwise I may be out.  But, I love seeing you, so do come.

WEEKLY TEACHER TRAINING  MORNINGS.  Every Tuesday at 9am.  Come on guys. Are you one of the students who said  "Oh good",   "We'll be there" …and then didn't come.  Strange how passion quickly dies when commitment is required.  Sure life gets difficult.  Sure bad things happen.  That is when yoga and the sangha are most important – this is not the time to go hide in your burrow.  We may not sympathise, but we will support, and empathise.  When things are BAD BAD BAD, run to yoga.

ATTENTION TRAINEE YOGA TEACHERS: Please please please, if I send something back to you and ask you to do it again, IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU HAVE FAILED.  There could be many reasons, and I will let you know on your assessment what they are.  They are what I say they are, and they are nothing whatsoever to do with failure.  No-one gets everything first go.  I certainly don't.   Do the page again in the way I have asked, and send it in.  If you get it back again, do it again.  No judgment .  Just do it until you know it is right.

I am cancelling the Monday morning class.  It was a no-show this Monday.  Once again you asked for something and didn't come along.  I have heaps and heaps of wonderful things to do and  I am not able just to come to a room and wait for you lot to turn up.  Further more I don't want to.  People all over Australia want to see me, I would rather do that – wouldn't you!

Sorry to those who thought that they may come sometime.  Too late.

By the way, that is why I have a term membership fee at the Studio.  Even if you don't turn up, the services are paid for.    If everyone who said they would turn up actually came every time, then there would be no need for a term fee.  Simple.

THE YAMAS and shortly THE CHAKRAS (on etsy!)
I  am not just saying this because I wrote it…. I do believe that EVERY YOGA TEACHER AND STUDENT SHOULD HAVE each  OF THESE.  I have written them in easy to understand words, and tried them out on non-yogis before going to print.  .……available on ETSY as a PDF for $7.99 www.MyYogaBooks.etsy.com

NEW BOOKLET…..If you are "fence sitting", deciding whether to be a yoga teacher, to move from the "introduction course" to the full professional certification, then you would do well to read  " HOW TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER BY HOME STUDY" $2.99 and it is available by emailing deb or me and we can make sure you get a copy.   

 If you are an Affiliate and have some students you would like to enrol in your teacher training course, then this may be a good investment.  This book has just been made Available on  iBooks too.

The chakra colouring-in charts are on easy, and ready for you to start on yours today.     You can go to Etsy or just contact us on our email and we will take it from there.   The cost is $43.50 and we will post it anywhere in Australia free postage.  Or go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com and you can paypal it.  I am in the process of writing a book (which is turning out a mite longer than expected)  to help you understand the CHAKRAS, and to accompany the CHAKRA CHARTS, and will put it on Etsy when I am finished.

I move with the infinite in nature's power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing". (Rig Veda)

REGISTRATION/INSURANCE   www.yogabeautiful.com.au
We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive…..


Registration BENEFITS  from the 1st April onwards:  
1. RE-REGISTRATION:  If you are a Registered Yoga Teacher who trained with us and are re-Registering, or a a trained yoga teacher registering with us for the first time,   you can choose either of these FREE GIFTS:   1. A free download of the "YAMAS"  booklet, or 2. a set of "Soul Revelation Cards". 

2. REFERRALS: If you refer three people to us who go on to be Registered you can choose:   1. A yin yoga DVD by Paul Grilley or 2. A Set of Chakra Posters

For an extra $100 to the usual Registration fee (=Total $245 for a standard registration):  1. You will receive a years subscription to the videos in addition to your registration.   And  2. free advertising in our newsletter.

If you are trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only. 

Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  It wouldn't be fair.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.  As you know if you are making your living running yoga classes, they are not free to the studio owner.  We have to pay all the costs associated with running a class whether you pay a class fee or not.  Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.  Still way under the usual out there in real life.

"If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up". (Dostoevsky)

Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.

If you are a trainee YOU SHOULD HAVE THE VIDEOS, they are really not optional.  Apart from the information they contain, every time you log on you get a point that counts towards your CONTACT HOURS.  It lessens the classes you actually need to do with a teacher.    

If you are a teacher, the videos are a vital addition to your own growth.  The cost is small in comparison with the time you would have to take to get these learnings. 

If you just like yoga and want to join in:  These are in 15 minute grabs, are all indexed, and you can do what you feel like doing right now.  Worth the annual fee of $275 (equals just 10 classes at a good studio)

Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged on promptly.  yogafirst@netcon.net.au

Last Sunday Innisfree hosted an ART AUCTION. www.iwhrr.com.au   It was a fantastic success, and I was personally gratified as my work was among the big sales of the day!    Everybody did a fabulous job.  Gary slaved behind the scenes with catalogues, getting the art in on time, dealing with the press, hanging….you name it, he was there.  Without Gary it would not have been nearly so professional.  Amanda, cooked her little fingers off and the devonshire teas just kept coming (even a gluten free scone!).  Rachael and April did the hand through, Brenda was "house model", and Mike did the meeting and greeting.  Lorraine was at the front desk and in charge of moral support for the cook I think.  Even Charlie and Ange came down from Albury especially for the backstage technical stuff.

It was a really great day.  We reached the target of $10,000.  April has already started planning next years.  It really does take a long time.  For the next auction  I think an organising committee would be a good idea, even though I am a great fan of a "committee of one".

ETSY – A market place site and we are putting all our little goodies up there.  Very exciting.  Please have a browse if you never have been before.  If you want to buy from us on ETSY, please go to www.myyogabooks.etsy.com

You can also look on our shop site – we have new products happening all the time.  Www.yogabeautiful.com.au

One of my favourite "sauces" is a Serbian recipe.  AJVAR.  Luckily it is absolutely GF, and has only 4 ingredients so it is my kind of cooking.

INGREDIENTS.  3 cups red capsicum, 1 cup eggplant, salt, oil.  
HOW TO:  Bake the capsicum and eggplant (you can add some tomatoes at this point if you like the extra zing).  Peel the skins off and discard.  Blend the insides together.  Add the salt and oil to get the taste and texture to suit you (I like mine thick enough to spread on bread).  Cook until it looks like jam, bottle it, and double boil when it is sealed.  Magic.

I am still using these bags for cheese making, and to strain fruit for jams and jellies.  It is so easy, and so good.  I used to have a cotton one but it always looked stained and grotty.  This version remains white and pristine.

To buy the bag,  log on to the shop at www.yogabeautiful.com.au   or for recipes…..www.yoganoozle.blogspot.com

I have my new raspberry frame.  What a wonderful thing.  Now I can put a netting on without having to battle the netting and the birds.  I will make this area my designated raspberry patch, and hope that next year I get a bumper crop.  I am going to put the net on over the weekend because I do have a late crop, but I don't know if they will ripen.

 I have started to feed the bees, and I think that the sugar attracted other bees.   Every second day I put out a jar of sugar and water.  If anyone has a better suggestion I would love to hear it because I think that the bees get so aggressive after a few days of feeding (or am I just becoming anthropomorphic).

If you are interested in old folk lore, like bees or would consider a "quest", then this book is for you.  The book "THE SHAMANIC WAY OF THE BEE" has arrived.  If you would like to reserve a copy email me yogafirst@netcon.net.au  I am not sure of the cost.  About $15 I would expect plus postage.
YIN YOGA DVD with Paul Grilley
 If you haven't got one, do it now.  This DVD is so popular because it is the best.  This DVD will form the backbone of your yoga references and is something you really need.   As I have told you before when I bought mine it cost $100 or so.  I thought that was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for. Www.yogabeautiful.com.au

Because Jahne has been teaching yoga for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free,   but,  if you wish to have Jahne help you with relationships, career, or just getting personally  "unstuck" then that is coaching/mentoring and does come with a cost. Her charge per half hour for mentoring is $75 and $65 for student teachers.  It is amazing how much you can shift in half an hour when you strip away the unnecessary chatter.  It's the Buddhist way.

That's right.  If you have a spare car, donate it to KIDS UNDER COVER and 100% of the proceeds will help prevent youth homelessness. Www.donateyourcar.org.au

Wednesday APRIL 9th AT 7PM at the Studio in Woodend.  Please join in.   Give me a call if you can join us  yogafirst@netcon.net.au  (I may change this date, but I will give you heaps of warning).

The dates and times may change – but I have an intention)
ALBURY – end of march or beginning of April:   Melbourne.   Shepparton. And all ports later on.  I know I will be in Adelaide in October.  

REGARDING DEBBIE – If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  She is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach.  Don't hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site www.yogabeautiful.com.au
and tune in to our videos  daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste  Jahne
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First

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