Monday, May 26, 2014


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….

For those students who have been hankering after a new focus for their work (and a 500hr qualification), we have a new course "HOLISTIC YOGA THERAPY (Addiction and Recovery)".  

This course is based on the Bhagavadgita, and seeing yoga as a healing (not a curing) therapy.  It is about bringing a new perspective to the yoga asanas that you already do, not about learning a whole heap of new and advanced asanas.   I have always said to you all,   that it is better to do 5 poses beautifully, mindfully, than 25 poses carelessly.  Mindfulness is at the basis of this therapy.

Please let me know if you are interested.  It is a philosophy based course that will equip you to do what I do – help people in recovery from addictions and life trauma.  You can chat to me, or you can go to the website and apply on line (but I would still like to chat.  The 500 hour courses are not the thing to enter into lightly.

This is a discipline you can keep up with all the year.  You will notice the value in the classes you give (or the modules you are able to send to me).  The quality goes up.  I always notice this when I am studying.  The quality of everything lifts a notch.  Make this a time to study something in depth.  You don't have to wait until I say "let's start a new challenge", you can start one at any time.  If you want to know more, please contact me at

To those of you doing the Teacher Training.  Here is the low-down on the elective.

1. It cannot be something you have got a certificate for in the past.  Some students have tried to squeeze this through – it may work if you haven't written on your initial application that you already have "…….."  certificates!  Remember The Yamas – be honest.

2.   It is not just an essay.  There has to be 30 hours of work, and I have to be able to see that this has been carried out honestly.

3. You are training to be a professional and it should show.  Your elective should have a goal, progress report,  time sheet (how long you have taken, when and where) case histories, and a bibliography.

Keep these points in mind.  Work out early on what you want to do, your topic, then start collecting data so that when you are ready to go you already have a head start.   It is not easy – it wasn't meant to be.

"Look at these worlds spinning out of nothingness.  That is within your power".(Rumi)

You are a TRAINEE YOGA TEACHER.  Answer every question as if a student has asked you the question – but please, study, research and "do" before you send an answer to a question in the module.  

When your student asks you a question you will need to know the complex answer in your head, but you will have to know enough about it so that you can give a simple, but referenced, answer to your student right then and there.  "Yes", or "no", or a few words probably won't do for them – AND IT WON'T DO FOR ME!  Lets get serious.

I am thinking of having a stamp made "MORE WORDS PLEASE!"

This isn't the sort of course where you just have to look up a page, write it out, and say that you have done the work.  If you are having trouble with the sutras, first get a copy of "the essential sutras" it is free at and then read, and then interpret.  You can do cross referencing.  Remember that when Patanjali compiled the sutras yoga was very different to what it is today.  Yoga actually meant sitting/meditating, not asana.

PLEASE NOTE:   Patanjali (the Leonardo Da Vinci of his time) was not the author of the sutras.  They occurred first in the Mahabaharata and the Upanishads.  These are both very long texts (The Mahabaharata alone comprises 100,000 verses), and Patanjali, as I understand it from my studies, took the sutras out of these texts, ordered them and put them in a more accessible form.  Imagine having to wade through 100,000 verses of Sanskrit to get to the Sutras yourself?

International Yarn Bombing Day is coming up mid-June.  Hooray!!!  Last year we started in May, and were still able to put up a good display in June.  This year we started in November…. So we are very organised right now.  Jules has even got the trees and bollards numbered.  Last week I was working on "tree number eight".  It is going to be beautiful.   The yarn bombers in Holbrooke in NSW have knitted a cover for a submarine they have in their local park.  Next year, we are going to over our clock tower!  Help us now.  If you can knit or sew (or would like to), please volunteer.

For years and years and years I relied on painting whilst yoga was being established in the studio and in the world.  I am now painting flowers, and the next thing I think will be small Buddhist Icons.  Watch this space.  

Some of our senior graduates with Yoga Schools of their own are taking the plunge.  Why be a yoga teacher, when you can be a teacher of yoga teachers?  Those girls in far flung Australian outposts of Yoga First (or even International Outposts), please consider becoming an AFFILIATE.  That means you will be me where you are.  You can be a teacher training centre, and you could be one by next week if you meet our criteria which is not onerous.  If you have done our course, we know you and are happy to have you become a teacher training centre.   Think about it.  Then Do it.

"People don't grow old.  When they stop growing, they become old". (Anon)

STUDIO WITH JAHNE:  Monday,  Tuesdays and Friday   at 6.30.  
Saturday 12.30 - Restorative Yoga - "The Strawberries and Cream" of yoga.

WOODEND COMMUNITY CENTRE:   Wed. 12.30 and Saturday at 10.  $5 pp per class, bring a mat. Families, babies, toddlers and children welcome at the Wednesday and Saturday class.

INNISFREE: Yoga/Yoga Nidra: Mondays 2.30 to 5.30,  Yoga/Philosophy:  Wed.   2.30 to 5.30,     Yoga: Sat. 2.30 to 4pm  Bookings required.

*  The Yoga Nidra (Meditation) classes at Innisfree are wonderful.  Please join us.  2.30 to 3.30 Mondays ($10).  Bookings are required email:

WEEKLY TEACHER TRAINING  MORNING – THE NEXT ONE – Tuesday 3RD JUNE AT 9AM Starting from 3rd of June I am going back to monthly trainings.  The Tuesday is a wonderful time, but obviously, not EVERY Tuesday.  You have voted with your feet, and I have listened.   

YOUR MODULES:   Please don't guess about the chakras and the YAMAS, or give me a garbled sentence on each,  where I can hardly tell the difference between one chakra, or yama from the next.   I have written a small booklet on each of these, and they are available from ETSY   If you are stumbling about, please, get the little books and immerse yourself.  There is no reason for you not to know these subjects enough to write at least 100 ACCURATE words on each yama and chakra.  

The KRIYAS.  Once again, I know what they are, I need to know that YOU KNOW HOW TO TEACH THEM. Not the obscure and difficult.  Start with Water Neti, Uddiyana Bhanda with Nauli, Trataka and Kapalbhati.    I can tell right away if you have only read them from a book and haven't tried them yourself.  Don't copy what you see on Utube, I have been doing this for almost 40 years and I know what I am looking at and hearing…..  There are enough easy Kriyas, and 100 words FOR EACH KRIYA is a minimum.

ETSY – A market place site and we are putting all our little goodies up there.  Very exciting.  Please have a browse if you never have been before.  If you want to buy from us on ETSY, please go to  You probably have noticed that I am having trouble getting the photos to sit properly on the page.  This does not effect the way that you get them – it just happens with the photos.

THE REVELATION TAROT:  This is back on our site.  As you know I did the drawings, I produce it, and I take the time to do all the packaging.  It is totally and "in house – artist project".  I love doing it, and when I know you want a pack I have great pride and satisfaction to send you one knowing that we have done it entirely ourselves.  I think that this counts don't you?  Cards made and sent with love.

HOW-TO BOOKLET…..If you are "fence sitting", deciding whether to be a yoga teacher, to move from the "introduction course" to the full professional certification, then you would do well to read  " HOW TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER BY HOME STUDY" $2.99 and it is available by emailing deb or me and we can make sure you get a copy.   If you are an Affiliate and have some students you would like to enrol in your teacher training course, then this may be a good investment.  This book has just been made Available on  iBooks too.

CHAKRA CHARTS:   The chakra colouring-in charts are on easy, and ready for you to start on yours today.   They are a modern, abstract interpretation – my own – on the Chakras.  So if you want something for your wall, you might like to get a set of these, and colour them in.       You can go to Etsy or just contact us on our email and we will take it from there.   The cost is $43.50 and we will post it anywhere in Australia free postage.  Or go to and you can paypal it.

CHAKRA BOOKLET:  I have just submitted a booklet on the Chakras with small reproductions of the Big Posters to colour in. This booklet will help you understand the CHAKRAS, and to accompany the CHAKRA CHARTS, and will put it on Etsy when I am finished.
"AGELESS BODY – AGELESS MIND" - I was doing a book for childen, but I sat down and a whole other book just flowed out of me.  I will be putting it up on Etsy soon $7.99.  

I move with the infinite in nature's power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing". (Rig Veda)

We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive…..


If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only. 

Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  It wouldn't be fair.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.  As you know if you are making your living running yoga classes, they are not free to the studio owner.  We have to pay all the costs associated with running a class whether you pay a class fee or not.  Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.  Still way under the usual out there in real life.

If you would like to take a class at LULU LEMON in Highpoint, here is your chance.   They are offering (unpaid) classes which I would think would be a very good advertisement for you if you live down that end of town.  You do get store discount I believe.  Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons are available.  Take your little Teachers Card in with you (the one you got when you graduated), and you can apply.    If you haven't graduated but you are at present insured and teaching, let us know and we will do you a Student Teacher card.

"If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up". (Dostoevsky)

Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.

If you are a trainee YOU SHOULD HAVE THE VIDEOS, they are really not optional.  Apart from the information they contain, every time you log on you get a point that counts towards your CONTACT HOURS.  It lessens the classes you actually need to do with a teacher.    

If you are a teacher, the videos are a vital addition to your own growth.  The cost is small in comparison with the time you would have to take to get these learnings. 

If you just like yoga and want to join in:  These are in 15 minute grabs, are all indexed, and you can do what you feel like doing right now.  Worth the annual fee of $275 (equals just 10 classes at a good studio)

Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged on promptly.

NO COOK PLAYDOUGH:  It is the time of the year when you may be looking to keep your children occupied.  I always found that play dough (at whatever age) was fantastic.  Don't forget that you can use this play dough (once made into a lump)  as a mould to cast plaster shapes.  Just press shells or toy animals into the dough and then pour in plaster of paris and let set.  Hours of fun.

Recipe  2 cups plain flour, 2 tablespoons of oil, half a cup of salt 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, and 1.5 cups of boiling water.  Mix it all together into a smooth bread type dough.  It is important to thoroughly knead it so it becomes smooth and silky.  Add more water or more flour to get the consistency you are looking for.

Don't forget, with winter coming on that you can grow sprouts in your nut milk bag.  Just treat it like you would the old glass jar.  Heaps easier though because you can rinse and hang.  Very efficient.

To buy the bag,  log on to the shop at   or for recipes…

Spent a few hours on the weekend raking leaves.  On a students advice I bought a large leaf rake.  Although it was quicker, it did pick up a lot of stones.  I think I will invest in an electric blower.  Hate the smell, noise and mess of a petrol version.

"THE BUDDHA WALK"  We are re-thinking our garden so that it will be a wonderful Buddha Walk in the Spring.  New Statues, new footpaths etc etc.  There is of course already a "bee watching" seat.   I always intended that it would be a meditation garden – as well as a "physic" (not psychic) garden.  Any suggestions about what you would like to see here will be welcome. 

THE BLOGS and the bees (and the wasps)!
The bees are a bit quiet at the present, and will get quieter as they conserve their energy as the weather gets colder.  They really should consider swarming north for the winter.  Fiji, Vanuatu… anywhere near the equator!  We should join them.

If you are interested in old folk lore, like bees or would consider a "quest", then this book is for you.  The book "THE SHAMANIC WAY OF THE BEE" has arrived.  If you would like to reserve a copy email me  I am not sure of the cost.  About $15 I would expect plus postage.

You don't have to send to America for your Paul Grilley DVD's.  We now have all three.  These DVD's are so popular because they are the best and will form the backbone of your yoga references.     As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for.

Because Jahne has been teaching yoga teachers for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free. This does not mean IDLE Yoga questions "just because you want to know" – She could spend her whole day answering those and getting no-where, in spite of the fact you may think your life will end if they are not answered.  

…….but,  if you wish to have Jahne help you with relationships, career, or just getting personally  "unstuck" then that is coaching/mentoring and does come with a cost. Her charge per half hour for mentoring is $75 and $65 for student teachers.  It is amazing how much you can shift in half an hour when you strip away the unnecessary chatter.  It's the Buddhist way.      Remember the Studio is also her home (not a hotel or BnB).  We always respect the mat and the Studio Space wherever we go, doubly so when your teacher lives there. 

That's right.  If you have a spare car, donate it to KIDS UNDER COVER and 100% of the proceeds will help prevent youth homelessness. 

REGARDING DEBBIE – If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  She is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach.  Don't hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..

THE LAST WORD:  Thank you to my students (and the Universe) for the abundance of abundance that is coming into the studio.  It has been amazing, and has allowed us to share all manner of things.  Wool, apples, lemons, vegetables, technology.……. And we are hugely thankful that you are thinking of us,  and noticing how you can contribute.  Even small things make a huge difference.     Most grateful.   

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos  daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste  Jahne
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First

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