Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Honouring the Universe – The philosophy of The Australasian Yoga Institute….
Dedicated to a tradition of excellence in teaching for more than 40 years, The Australasian Yoga Institute offers yoga teachers comprehensive and systematic training in classical yoga.  We teach yoga techniques for body, breath, mind and spirit in 200hr and 500hr certification programs.  Our programs include training in meditation, asana, pranayama, relaxation techniques, yoga therapy, yoga philosophy, psychology and yoga in business.

Civil disobedience, based on the principle SATYAGRAHA was the basis of Ghandi's toolkit for the whole of his life.  This Satyagraha was an entirely new way of fighting injustice.  Instead of fanning hatred with hatred, Ghandi insisted on returning love for hatred, and respect for contempt.  

Mohandas K. Gandhi started his life as a tongue tied young Indian barrister who had failed at almost everything he tried.  He was plagued by fears and doubts, and socially inept.  When he started out he was called "the briefless barrister" because no one would trust him with work.  Only 10 years later on his return to India he was called MAHATMA!  How had this change come about?  It is a long an interesting story but briefly the transformation was due to one thing.  Ghandi discovered the Bhagavadgita.  He said later in his life that it was not just that he knew the Gita, he put the principles to work in his life.  He chanted it, he read it, he prayed over it and took a tattered copy with him wherever he went.  His secretary said that every moment of Ghandi's life was dedicated and conscious effort to live the message of the Gita.

How important was the power of Mantra to Ghandi's transformation?  Extremely.  Crucial.  He practiced the only meditation technique taught in the Bhagavad Gita and was building the foundation of his contemplative practice.  The Mantra "Rama Rama Rama", eased his fear and calmed his mind and his body and as he said  "opened the doorway to God".  Eventually the mantra developed a life within him, and arose spontaneously whenever he needed it.  "The mantra becomes one's staff of life" he wrote "and carries one through every ordeal..  Each repetition carries you nearer and nearer to God".  

A mantra such as the one repeated by Ghandi, gathers and focuses the energy of the mind.  It teaches the mind to focus on one point, and cultivates a steadiness which over time,  becomes an unshakable evenness of temper.  This concept of "evenness" is at the heart of the Gita.  It is called samatva in sanskrit and is at the heart of Krishnas practice.  When the mind develops steadiness, teaches Krishna, it is not shaken by fear or greed.  

There is a lovely Indian story about the training of an elephant.  As the elephant walks through the market it swings its trunk from side to side causing havoc wherever it goes.  His trunk is naturally restless, hungry, scattered, undisciplined - just like the mind, causing trouble.  But the wise elephant trainer gives the elephant a stick of bamboo to hold in his trunk.  The elephant likes this and holds fast onto the bamboo.  As soon as the elephant wraps his trunk around the bamboo, the trunk begins to settle.  Now the elephant strides through the market like a prince, calm, focussed, and serene.  Bananas and coconuts no longer distract him.

So too with the mind.  As soon as it grabs onto a mantra it begins to settle.  The mind holds the mantra gently and becomes focused calm and centred.  Over time this mind becomes extremely concentrated and this is the beginning of meditation.  In the Gita, Krishna says "when meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a lamp in a windless place".    Ghandi held onto his mantra like the elephant grasping the bamboo.  He appropriated mantra as the meditative tool that would serve him for the rest of his life. 

The book has started it journey.    I would like to see if we can get 108 signatures of readers in the book before it comes back to me.  If you would like to be next on the list, please email me…

I would like to think this journey will be done in reasonable time… and taking photocopies of pages you need to re-read and remember will assist (instead of holding onto the book)   I think.  If the book turns up in your mail box, read it, and let us know what you think and (unless you ask me not to) I will post your comments in the newsletter and elsewhere.  It will also help us to track the book on its goal to 108 readers.  I think it will take approximately 3 weeks between each reader.  So don't dilly-dally.  

It is here, it is done, but needs a few tweaks.  Until this happens and I am satisfied it is ready for a view I have hesitated to photograph it.   If you want to contribute, Send us bundles of prayer flags.

The reclining Buddha is in the front garden, and I will be getting some vegetation to soften the surrounds.  .
The gardener is getting into the swing of things, suggestions,  plants and etc. for around the two statues.  They are a wonderful focus for THE BUDDHA WALK, even in the stark beauty of a winter garden..

To those of you doing the Teacher Training.  Here is the low-down on the elective.

1. It cannot be something you have got a certificate for in the past.  
2.   It is not just an essay.  
3. You are training to be a professional and it should show.  
Keep these points in mind.  Work out early on what you want to do, your topic, then start collecting data so that when you are ready to go you already have a head start.   It is not easy – it wasn't meant to be.

"Look at these worlds spinning out of nothingness.  That is within your power".(Rumi)

Please consider the new course "HOLISTIC YOGA THERAPY/AR500.  Yes, its is a 500 hour course.  The 200 hour course is a mandatory prerequisite  - whether you have done it with us or somewhere else.  If you have just done a quickie course which sailed over philosophy, then you may have to revisit that.  

The course I think will take about 12 to 18 months, and will prepare you for a life as a yoga therapist specialising in the care of addictions, recovery and life traumas.   It will include some time as an intern.    This course is not about beautiful asanas, it is about relating in a yoga way to a class with 10 different people with different personalities – all in recovery – in one class!  Not just "being nice", but being able to lead them forward.  This is more than a course – it is a "calling".  It is exciting, demanding, and scary at times….. Please apply to me personally if you are interested.

It is great to see that more and more of you are purchasing and reading my little booklets.  I am sure that they will help.  Nothing will help if you don't focus.   AND, I am thinking of having a stamp made "MORE WORDS PLEASE!"

This isn't the sort of course where you just have to look up a page, write it out, and say that you have done the work.  If you are having trouble with the sutras, first get a copy of "the essential sutras" it is free at and then read, and then interpret.  You can do cross referencing.  Remember that when Patanjali compiled the sutras yoga was very different to what it is today.  Yoga actually meant sitting/meditating, not asana.

When you write to me, don't just copy out of a text book.  Try the asana, teach it to your family, talk yourself through it.  Many of you are trying to write about asana that you haven't done, and advanced poses that you may never do.  Think abut your students, your capabilities.  Yoga is not about advanced asana.  It is about where your focus is, not where your body is.   

Have you seen the Woodend Library lately – it looks fantastic.  The next project is THE HUNGRY CATERPILLAR.   Apparently it is an anniversary of its conception, and we are doing a knitting diorama for around the wishing well during children's book week.  I have the job of knitting the furry bits between the body segments.  In my spare time of course.  

After that we are stitching a map of Woodend.  I am doing the drawing, Julie is doing the machine sewing, and everyone we can encourage to join us will be doing some of the stitching.  Can you stitch?  If so join us between 2 and 4pm Fridays,  at the Woodend Library.

Some of our senior graduates with Yoga Schools of their own are taking the plunge.  Why be a yoga teacher, when you can be a teacher of yoga teachers?  Those girls in far flung Australian outposts of Yoga First (or even International Outposts), please consider becoming an AFFILIATE.  That means you will be me where you are.  You can be a teacher training centre, and you could be one by next week if you meet our criteria which is not onerous.  If you have done our course, we know you and are happy to have you become a teacher training centre.   Think about it.  Then Do it.

"People don't grow old.  When they stop growing, they become old". (Anon)


1.    Monday,  and Friday   at 6.30.   
2.    TUESDAYS 6.45 to 7.30   NEW CLASS -  
                                 "SINGING BOWL RELAXATION/MEDITATION"   to replace the usual yoga class.  
3.    Restorative Yoga – Saturday at the Studio at 12.30 

Wed. 12.30,   Saturday 10am as usual   
COST:  $5 pp per class, bring a mat. Families, babies, toddlers and children welcome at the Wednesday.class.

INNISFREE AS USUAL – Yoga/Yoga Nidra: Mondays 2.30 to 5.30,  Yoga/Philosophy:  Wed.   2.30 to 5.30,     Yoga: Sat. 2.30 to 4pm  Bookings required.

*  The Yoga Nidra (Meditation) classes at Innisfree are wonderful.  Please join us.  2.30 to 3.30 Mondays ($10).  Bookings are required email:


If you  are serious about  our courses you need to come to a class with me as often as you can, and I realise that if you work then Tuesday is almost impossible.  

What if I made The first Sunday in the month  between 2 and 4 available here at the studio?  Can you'all do that?   You won't be the best by wishing – you will get it by working.  Don't tell me you don't have time.  If I have time, then you can make time too.  I do have an appointment on Sunday the 6th of July with the wonderful  class Michelle is bringing through - They always make the time.  Can you?  (When opportunity knocks, don't complain about the noise).  Look at your diary, clear the day, and make the time and then email me and let me know YOU CAN COME.

Teacher Training Dates  – Tuesday 1st July,  Sunday 6th July in Sunbury,  Sunday 3rd August at the Studio.

The KRIYAS – I need to know that YOU KNOW HOW TO TEACH THEM. Not the obscure and difficult.  Start with Water Neti, Uddiyana Bhanda with Nauli, Trataka and Kapalbhati.    I can tell right away if you have only read them from a book and haven't tried them yourself.  Don't copy what you see on Utube, I have been doing this for almost 40 years and I know what I am looking at and hearing…..  There are enough easy Kriyas, and 100 words FOR EACH KRIYA is a minimum.

TUESDAY EVENING MEDITATION/RELAXATION WITH JAHNE:  Learn to cultivate a comfortable sitting posture, establish a calm breathing pattern, relax a racing nervous system, and overcome the chattering of the monkey mind.  For the past 40 years I have been introducing people to the benefits, and demonstrating how to overcome obstacles.  At the end of a term you will have everything you need to establish your own practice.

I am  looking around for trainee yoga teachers who want to teach on a regular basis as a part of The Australasian Yoga Institute – starting in July AT THE BENTINCK. .  If you don't know how I teach,  then you won't know how I would like you to teach.    If you have not been to any of my yoga classes, then this is your first step.  If you haven't got time to watch how I want my teaching to happen, then you won't have time to actually teach.  Preference will be given to those doing, or interested in doing the new HYT/AR500 Course.    Email.

ETSY – A market place site and we are putting all our little goodies up there.  Very exciting.  Please have a browse if you never have been before.  If you want to buy from us on ETSY, please go to  You probably have noticed that I am having trouble getting the photos to sit properly on the page.  This does not effect the way that you get them – it just happens with the photos.

THE REVELATION TAROT:  This is back on our site.  As you know I did the drawings, I produce it, and I take the time to do all the packaging.  It is totally and "in house – artist project".  I love doing it, and when I know you want a pack I have great pride and satisfaction to send you one knowing that we have done it entirely ourselves.  I think that this counts don't you?  Cards made and sent with love.

HOW-TO BOOKLET…..If you are "fence sitting", deciding whether to be a yoga teacher, to move from the "introduction course" to the full professional certification, then you would do well to read  " HOW TO BECOME A YOGA TEACHER BY HOME STUDY" $2.99 and it is available by emailing deb or me and we can make sure you get a copy.   If you are an Affiliate and have some students you would like to enrol in your teacher training course, then this may be a good investment.  This book has just been made Available on  iBooks too.

CHAKRA CHARTS:   The chakra colouring-in charts are on easy, and ready for you to start on yours today.   They are a modern, abstract interpretation – my own – on the Chakras.  So if you want something for your wall, you might like to get a set of these, and colour them in.       You can go to Etsy or just contact us on our email and we will take it from there.   The cost is $43.50 and we will post it anywhere in Australia free postage.  Or go to and you can paypal it.

CHAKRA BOOKLET:  I have just submitted a booklet on the Chakras with small reproductions of the Big Posters to colour in. This booklet will help you understand the CHAKRAS, and to accompany the CHAKRA CHARTS, and will put it on Etsy when I am finished.
"AGELESS BODY – AGELESS MIND" - I was doing a book for childen, but I sat down and a whole other book just flowed out of me.  I will be putting it up on Etsy soon $7.99.  

I move with the infinite in nature's power.  I hold the fire of the soul.  I hold the life and healing". (Rig Veda)

We are giving you total choice now, although it may be a bit more expensive…..

If you are a trainee Yoga Teacher who has been working on the course for more than a year please understand that your course fee only gives you FREE classes with me for your first training year – the first 12 months only. 

Imagine if what would happen to our Institute if  you took three years to finish your course and you could still come to classes free for the entire course.  It wouldn't be fair.  We do our fee calculation based on 12 months of free yoga classes.  As you know if you are making your living running yoga classes, they are not free to the studio owner.  We have to pay all the costs associated with running a class whether you pay a class fee or not.  Your training fees cover you for a year, after that we ask you to pay $10 per class.  

"If you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up". (Dostoevsky)

Please look down the list of the videos before you try to do stick drawings, or organise your journal.  I have shown you what I recommend..  All you have to do is download.

If you are a trainee YOU SHOULD HAVE THE VIDEOS, they are really not optional.  Apart from the information they contain, every time you log on you get a point that counts towards your CONTACT HOURS.  It lessens the classes you actually need to do with a teacher.    
If you are a teacher, the videos are a vital addition to your own growth.  The cost is small in comparison with the time you would have to take to get these learnings. 
If you just like yoga and want to join in:  These are in 15 minute grabs, are all indexed, and you can do what you feel like doing right now.  Worth the annual fee of $275 (equals just 10 classes at a good studio)

Please.  Email us and Debbie will make sure that you are logged on promptly.

I have been using my bag to prepare seeds for planting in the garden.  Some seeds as you know need soaking.  I treat them like sprouts, but don't let them sprout, and then put them in soil packed old toilet roll tubes arranged around a plastic flower pot, and then when they look healthy I plant them into the garden.   This seems to work, especially when taking from garden stock.  

To buy the bag,  log on to the shop at   

"THE BUDDHA WALK"  Everything this week has centred around the new statues. Everything is the garden knows it is winter except for the Manchurian Pears which are very confused, and flowering.  I would like to suggest that when you are gardening you use it as a time to meditate, but I know myself, that when it is very cold as it now is, then being in the garden is a time to work hard physically, get the blood flowing, and warm up!  Still remember to use the core correctly, breathe correctly, and use the time to chant…

THE BLOGS and the bees!
The bees are hiding away, but they are still there.  We are planting for them so that in the spring they will have plenty of nectar and pollen.    I was interested to learn that willows produce nectar and pollen in the first weeks of spring, and bees love it.   Do bamboos produce pollen?  I am going to plant a bamboo hedge.

Now we have all three.  Spend the housekeeping, and get the three as soon as you can.     These DVD's are so popular because they are the best and will form the backbone of your yoga references.     As I have told you before when I bought mine they cost $100 or so each.  I thought that this was a good investment.  I think half that is a steal! And that is what we are selling this for.

Because Jahne has been teaching yoga teachers for more than 40 years, and running a business the Buddhist way for much longer than that (and successfully) she is often asked for advice. Asking course questions is free. This does not mean IDLE Yoga questions "just because you want to know" – She could spend her whole day answering those and getting no-where, in spite of the fact you may think your life will end if they are not answered.  

…….but,  if you wish to have Jahne help you with relationships, career, or just getting personally  "unstuck" then that is coaching/mentoring and does come with a cost. Her charge per half hour for mentoring is $75 and $65 for student teachers.  It is amazing how much you can shift in half an hour when you strip away the unnecessary chatter.  It's the Buddhist way.      Remember the Studio is also her home (not a hotel or BnB).  We always respect the mat and the Studio Space wherever we go, doubly so when your teacher lives there. 

That's right.  If you have a spare car, donate it to KIDS UNDER COVER and 100% of the proceeds will help prevent youth homelessness. 

REGARDING DEBBIE – If you want to speak to Debbie about any aspect of the courses – she has done them, please remember that she only comes in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  She is available on Ph: 0354 273 518.  I am always here, and available preferably on email or text because I teach.  Don't hesitate to email me and I will answer your email or text as soon as I can..

THE LAST WORD:An abundance of Abundance. Thank you to my students (and the Universe) for the abundance of abundance.     It has been amazing.  You know The Prayer of Jabez?  Chronicles 4:9.  Well,  the Universe is certainly enlarging our shores.   You are helping, and we are hugely thankful that you are thinking of us,  and noticing how you can contribute.  Even small things make a huge difference.     Most grateful.   

For more wonderful, delicious thoughts
Log on to our Web site
and tune in to our videos  daily.

ENJOY – Love and Blessings,  

Namaste  Jahne
This email was sent out by
The Australasian Yoga Institute/Yoga First